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Study on athletes’ rights in and around big sport events

26 Jun 2024

The EU Work Plan on Sport 2021-2024 sets knowledge-building and analysis of the situation in relation to the different rights of European athletes participating in sport events as a priority. The study's objective is to map, define, and discuss athletes' rights in and around big sport events focusing on three main dimensions: sport governance and athletes' representation, global politics and use of social media, and mental health. It aims to understand the main challenges around athletes' rights and wellbeing and identify good practices that provide the right level of protection to athletes. Given the socio-cultural relevance of big sporting events, the increasing political and public pressure inserted on athletes, and the much-enhanced media profile of athletes due mostly to social media, the analysis of the situation of athletes’ rights in the EU is highly relevant. This is particularly the case as the EU will host some of the world’s largest sporting events in the next few years, including the Olympic Games Paris 2024. The study therefore comes at an important moment and will help feed further political discussions and research, support policymakers at European level by providing more information and evidence on the topic, as well as raise public attention about the importance of safeguarding the wellbeing of athletes.
case study mental health decision-making social media public awareness campaign social well-being sporting event professional sport sports body eu sport policy fundamental rights


Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, European Commission, ECORYS, Dunn, Keelin, Meszner, Dorottya, Kelly, Gillian, Sennett, James, Butkute, Milda, Linter, Anna, Goffredo, Sergio

Catalogue number
NC-09-24-544-EN-N NC-09-24-544-EN-C
European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Dunn, K., Meszner, D., Kelly, G. et al., Study on athletes’ rights in and around big sport events , Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
Published in
Sport , Fundamental rights

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