cover image: Strengthening the resilience of EU border regions :Mapping risks & crisis management tools and identifying gaps


Strengthening the resilience of EU border regions :Mapping risks & crisis management tools and identifying gaps

22 May 2024

The study ‘Strengthening the resilience of EU border regions: Mapping risks & crisis management tools and identifying gaps’ was conducted from January 2023 to March 2024 to assist the European Commission in enhancing capacities for disaster and risk management (DRM) in cross-border regions. The assignment encompassed identifying the primary risks faced by territories in cross-border areas and mapping existing agreements, tools, and institutional processes facilitating risk management by border authorities. Additionally, it involved extensive consultations with stakeholders at EU, national, and regional levels. Ten case studies were prepared to highlight effective practices in Disaster Risk Management within cross-border territories. The outcome included the production of maps and border fiches, each delineating risk levels and the collaborative capabilities of countries on both sides of the border in addressing these risks. The study also identified gaps and recommendations to strengthen the resilience of EU border regions against potential disasters by addressing shortcomings and leveraging existing resources and mechanisms. This phase amalgamated the analysis of inventories, stakeholder consultations, and case studies. Recommendations spanned various areas, encompassing EU and national legal frameworks relevant to border regions, including sectoral legislation, governance mechanisms for DRM at both EU and national levels impacting border areas, among others.
community resilience case study governance natural disaster serbia north macedonia montenegro risk management liechtenstein norway regional cooperation switzerland eu member state eu law eu policy cross-border cooperation international agreement frontier region man-made disaster


CMCC, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission, Nordregio, Technopolis Group

Catalogue number
European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, Strengthening the resilience of EU border regions – Mapping risks & crisis management tools and identifying gaps , Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
Published in
Regional policy and regional economies

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