cover image: Technology and the Future of Work: Global Trends and Policy Directions for Technological Change in the Labor Market (English)


Technology and the Future of Work: Global Trends and Policy Directions for Technological Change in the Labor Market (English)

21 Jun 2024

The world of work is facing one of the most significant technological transformationssince industrialization. Throughout history, technological developments have transformedthe economy and shaped jobs. Since the First Industrial Revolution in the late 1700s, employment has changed as new technologies became available and widespread.2 These transformations create winners and losers. In the process, some workers benefit from technological progress, whereas others are displaced and struggle to remain employable.
innovation saudi arabia social protection middle east and north africa skilled workers labor demand technology and innovation technology transfer and diffusion workforce development/skills


Mata Lorenzo,Elizabeth, Zeid,Ramy Yasser Mohamed, Chartouni,Carole, Koettl-Brodmann,Johannes, Soytas,Mehmet Ali, Rivera Guivas,Nayib

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Technology and the Future of Work: Global Trends and Policy Directions for Technological Change in the Labor Market
Originating Unit
Social Protection & Labor MNA (HMNSP)
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
SA-Support To Implement Ksa Labor Market And Skills Strategies, Bu -- P179647
Workforce Development/Skills,Social Protection
Labor Market Institutions,Job Creation,Gender,Human Development and Gender,Data Development and Capacity Building,Skills Development,Private Sector Development,Labor Market Policy and Programs,Public Sector Management,Active Labor Market Programs,Jobs,Data production, accessibility and use,Education
Unit Owning
Social Protection & Labor MNA (HMNSP)
Version Type
Volume No

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