cover image: How to Make the GSEs' Equitable Housing Finance Plans More Impactful


How to Make the GSEs' Equitable Housing Finance Plans More Impactful

26 Jun 2024

Both government-sponsored enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, have invested a lot of time and effort producing their Equitable Housing Finance Plans (EHFPs). These plans are designed to increase accessible, affordable, and sustainable housing opportunities in an increasingly diverse country, and we applaud these efforts. As we look at these plans and accomplishments upon completion of their inaugural three-year planning cycle, we were pleased the Federal Housing Finance Agency has chosen to make them permanent. We would consider this first phase a success. That said, we expect more for the future and have several observations that could make the EHFPs more impactful going forward.
housing finance housing finance policy center housing finance reform


Laurie Goodman, Michael Stegman, Janneke Ratcliffe, Aniket Mehrotra

Published in
United States of America