cover image: Newsletter. June 2024


Newsletter. June 2024

18 Jun 2024

We are on the eve of possibly the most important EU elections since 1979, when Europeans voted in European Parliament elections for the first time, by universal suffrage. Polls suggest that this time far-right parties will secure significant gains, reflecting a trend we have been witnessing across many of our countries for several years. Although it is difficult to know how coalition-building will play out, it is clear that the centrist coalition that has long dominated the Parliament may be replaced by an EPP - ECR - ID majority, putting democratic values under pressure and imposing a polarised political model that has divided countries and fragmented the electorate. The question is, how can we make sure that we are able to take the European venture forward, in spite of a possibly divided and divisive European Parliament?
innovation ukraine democracy competitiveness health policy serial publication climate change policy eu policy enlargement of the union european parliament defence budget european election


European Economic and Social Committee

Catalogue number
QE-AH-24-005-EN-N QE-AH-24-005-EN-C
Published in
Activities of the European Union

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