The report emphasizes the need for reform across various sectors in Australia. It identifies key areas for policy improvement, including social justice, health, emergency management, and housing. The recommendations call for collaboration between government levels, better funding mechanisms, and the implementation of evidence-based practices to address complex societal issues. The importance of integrating local government into national strategies and recognizing the role of community-led initiatives is highlighted. The report advocates for a multidisciplinary approach to policy development and implementation to ensure comprehensive and sustainable solutions.
Organizations Mentioned: University of Queensland, Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, Churchill Fellows, Australian Government, CSIRO, National Emergency Management Agency, Bureau of Meteorology, NSW Government, Victoria Government, Australian Climate Service, Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, Australian Defence Force, Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements. Chapters: Place-based homelessness prevention: a role for local government Leanne Mitchell; Improving the lifelong trajectory of Australian infants in out-of-home care: an evidence-based case for a Specialist Infant Court Matthew Wilson; Reconnecting young people with community: Evidence to reduce reoffending after release from youth detention Kate Bjur; Shifting the focus to evidence of what works in community safety: Institutional support for what works in delivering community safety outcomes and effective policing services David Cowan; A culture shift towards better affordable housing policy and development options for older Australians Victoria Cornell; Supporting and safeguarding at-risk adults John Chesterman; Simplifying access to behavioural health crisis and suicide support Glen Blackwell; Embedding social and behavioural science expertise in public health decision-making within the Australian CDC Margie Danchin Policy Futures: A Reform Agenda is the
flagship publication by The Winston Churchill
Memorial Trust and The University of
Queensland of contemporary policy articles
written by a competitively selected group
of Churchill Fellows. It showcases the best
of the Churchill Fellows’ ideas, and provides
targeted, relevant policy advice.