cover image: II \ITI to of for is in - to


II \ITI to of for is in - to

1 Jul 2024

Tbe pany of the first pan shall subrrur lLunself to the orders ofthe Governnrent and of the offrcers and authorilies under rvhorn he rnar lronr trme to tinre be placed by the Government and shall remail in the sen'ice sublect to th( provlsions herein contained. [...] By givurg one calendar uronth notice in ivliting anv rilne during the renn of rhe appointment under this agreemenl either b) the pafiv ofthe frst pan to the Govermrenr or by the Go\enunent or its authorized omcer to the part]' of the t'rr st pan $ ithout assignrrg any reasons s'halsoeter. [...] lhe benefits of any improvement that may be sanctioned by the Govermnent subsequent to the date of his appointment in the tenns and conditions of service appLicable to the class ofofficers sen'ing the equivalenl posts. [...] for the journel' of the party of the first part and his family members for taktng ol'er his assigo[rent at the headquarrers. [...] or any olher rules urade or deemed to be tuade rtrder anrcle 309 or contained under anicle -31-1 of rhe constilution shall applv to the panl'oft x tlrsl part to the extent to s'hich lhey are applicable to the service herebr, provided tbr and the d :, ision of rhe Govenurenl as to rheir appticability slrall be tinal.
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