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Random - Can I say no to a breath or drug test?

13 Jun 2024

If the roadside test is positive, police may take you to a police station to test you How is the test carried out? again. [...] If you test positive again, you will be required to provide a sample of your For a random breath test, the police will saliva which will be tested in a lab. [...] You on Centrelink should keep a copy of the prescription or ask for an internal review (appeal) box of the prescription medicine in your elect to appeal the matter to the car, to show the police if you test positive. [...] If you have a problem, please If you are thinking about taking your contact Redfern Legal Centre matter to court or you have to go to court at or phone because you’ve received a court 02 9698 7277. [...] If you choose to take your matter to court or the police take you to court, the court can: decrease or increase the fine amount increase or decrease length of time you are unable to drive record a conviction for the offence If the court convicts you of the driving offence, it will go on your criminal record and your licence will be disqualified.


Lauren Gillin

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