cover image: Commonwealth Threatened Species Law Overview - EPBC Act - Listing nationally threatened species


Commonwealth Threatened Species Law Overview - EPBC Act - Listing nationally threatened species

30 Jun 2024

The nomination and listing system involves the following steps:15 o The Environment Minister may determine conservation themes; o The Environment Minister then invites people to nominate species, ecological communities and key threatening processes by a certain date, and gives the nominations to the Threatened Species Scientific Committee; o The Threatened Species Scientific Committee then prepare. [...] o The Threatened Species Scientific Committee carries out an assessment of the finalised list and gives the assessments to the Environment Minister; and o The Environment Minister makes the final decision as to whether a species, ecological community or key threatening process is listed or not. [...] The Minister may also consider whether it is used as a corridor to allow the species to move freely between sites, and whether the site is necessary to ensure the long-term future of the species or ecological community through reintroduction or re-colonisation.18 The Environment Minister may declare any land within Australia to be critical habitat, but if the habitat is not in a Commonwealth area,. [...] However, the Environment Minister must make a decision on whether to have one prepared within 90 days of the species or community being listed.24 In making this decision, the Environment Minister must have regard to the advice given by the Threatened Species Scientific Committee as to whether there should be a recovery plan at the time that the Committee recommended the species or community be lis. [...] In particular, a Commonwealth agency must not take any action that contravenes a threat abatement plan, and the Commonwealth must implement the plan to the extent to which it applies in Commonwealth areas.56 52 Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth), s.


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