cover image: Environmental Tax Reform in North Macedonia : Improving Environmental and Social Outcomes from Fuel Use


Environmental Tax Reform in North Macedonia : Improving Environmental and Social Outcomes from Fuel Use

16 Oct 2020

North Macedonia continues to improve its environmental performance and the efficacy of its environmental regulation. As part of this effort, the World Bank is working with the government of North Macedonia on environmental tax reform. The government is interested in utilizing the tax system to improve environmental outcomes. This paper aims to contribute to the government’s plans by highlighting key policy options for reforming the tax system to address environmental concerns. It does this through firstly assessing the existing tax system to understand the incentives and measures in place in relation to environmental issues. It then outlines key gaps in the tax system, including in relation to the direction of environmental tax policy globally and in the European Union. As part of this analysis, the paper outlines a number of policy findings, providing suggested enhancements to the existing fiscal framework to improve environmental performance and support green industries.
environment air pollution north macedonia europe and central asia transport energy demand energy and mining energy and environment transport services natural resources and blue economy energy and extractives power and electricity sector energy policies & economics pollution management & control brown issues and health air quality & clean air
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Environmental Tax Reform in North Macedonia : Improving Environmental and Social Outcomes from Fuel Use
Document Date
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
MK-North Macedonia Structural Reform Support -- P172398
Total Volume(s)
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