cover image: Measuring the Real Size of the World Economy : The Framework, Methodology, and Research of the International Comparison Program (ICP)


Measuring the Real Size of the World Economy : The Framework, Methodology, and Research of the International Comparison Program (ICP)

30 Sep 2020

The International Comparison Program (ICP) has become not only the largest international statistical program in the world, but also the most complex. In the years leading up to 2005, six rounds of the ICP were conducted, each with more countries and each with improved methodology. This volume is a comprehensive review of the statistical theory and methods underlying the estimation of purchasing power parities (PPPs) and real expenditures, the choices made for the 2005 ICP round, and the lessons learned that led to improvements in the 2011 ICP. Disclosing the theory, concepts, and methods underlying estimates enhances the transparency of the 2011 ICP process. This book describes the challenges faced by the 2005 round of the ICP, the new theories and methods developed to address those problems, and the lessons learned that can be applied to future rounds of the ICP. The book refers to six geographic regions of the world. This volume also contains several chapters about uses of the data from the 2005 ICP. These uses are significant because they expand the boundaries of the needs served by the ICP to encompass poverty estimation and analysis of the global economic situation.
urban development inequality civil engineering development policy exchange rates industry urban housing public-private partnership household consumption purchasing power parity health expenditure food price food expenditure average price participating country per capita consumption private education price list national currency poverty reduction voting power household survey data executive board employee compensation rental market price level individual consumption regression model statistical theory pound sterling conceptual framework common currency weighted average real value overhead cost development research group public sector development educational sciences the world region health care services industry communities and human settlements science and technology development machinery and equipment empirical analysis privileges and immunity geographic region urban governance and management municipal management and reform international expert urban housing and land settlements land and housing government service international affair construction component national account commercial purpose interested stakeholders education services productivity gain small country medical product international poverty line education good department of economics national statistical cost of labor product price measure of use technology industry technology innovation education service market survey government health hospital service ppp terms basic requirement residential building common feature housing survey aggregate expenditure per capita expenditure expenditure per capita expert judgment real expenditure output price classification product product level input price equipment list construction professionals input cost private service poverty analysis total consumption consumer purchase price structure housing service basket of good price ratio reinforcing steel expenditure share expenditure estimates square foot long grain product plus relative price difference classification process output pricing quota subscriptions nominal expenditures individual products choice of method transparent fashion price table world output rental rate government compensation price comparison regional price absolute poverty measures egyptian pound international comparison program productivity adjustment prices of product


Blades,Derek,Chen,Shaohua,Coonan,James,Deaton,Angus S.

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Doc Name
Measuring the Real Size of the World Economy : The Framework, Methodology, and Research of the International Comparison Program (ICP)
Document Date
Published in
United States of America
Series Name
International Comparison Program (ICP)
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Development Data Group (DECDG)
Version Type
Volume No


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