cover image: Serbia’s New Growth Agenda - Country Economic Memorandum : Job and Training-Ready


Serbia’s New Growth Agenda - Country Economic Memorandum : Job and Training-Ready

30 Mar 2020

Serbia now has an exceptional policy opportunity to promote skills development and create a productive future workforce and a prosperous economy. With its population aging and the nature of work changing in a technologically transforming and globalizing economy, a highly skilled Serbian workforce would help generate growth in productivity. A more productive economy will then help Serbia to approach the living standards of its Western European neighbors as it moves forward on the path to EU accession. For Serbia, this is a policy imperative. Serbia needs a surge in job creation, which will have to come from higher private sector dynamism and address persistent labor market challenges. Sustained employment increases will require on the demand side a boost in private sector job creation; and on the supply side reducing barriers and disincentives to work and improving worker skills. In Serbia, labor market status is associated with educational attainment (Figure 2). Higher literacy is associated with getting more skilled jobs (white-collar occupations at all skill levels) and often a job that is of higher quality.
higher education labor market job training program primary and secondary education education policy global value chain serbia rural development europe and central asia comparative advantage compulsory education quality of education electrical engineering human capital population policy real estate retail trade social welfare social work young workers cognitive development working condition global financial crisis technical and vocational education tertiary education jobs labor markets social environment national action plan vocational education and training education attainment teacher professional development higher education institution social exclusion labor income value for money skill development university degree conceptual framework social care formative assessment fields of study chamber of commerce school year educational sciences skills development and labor market social protections and labor learning for all vulnerable group student population machinery and equipment advanced economy in school national qualification families with child rural labor markets years of schooling labor market outcome productivity loss university graduate children of ages performance-based financing higher education system quality of higher education higher education enrollment early warning system skill gap upper primary grade number of teachers monitor compliance early grade cluster survey access to higher education technology and markets curriculum revision quality of learning quality and relevance quality education cognitive skill lower secondary education big city practical training in preschool quality assurance system quality of teacher private educational institution emotional skill general secondary education soft skills training skill acquisition education cycle skill need net enrollment ratio fiscal loss share of employment population subgroup transition from school to work student enter cost of transport skill formation segments of society low socioeconomic status disadvantaged family higher grade private sector job creation research and innovation quality assurance mechanism practical skill vocational secondary education labor market need education child education for child primary lower secondary transforming economies gap in access education and training system higher level of education school network small school returns to schooling routine tasks labor market demand basic skill technical high school levels of educational attainment academic study return to investment inclusive early childhood education public education system country economic memorandum student interest maintenance of facilities degree of independence integrated information system secondary vocational education preschool program acquisition of skill preprimary education equal access to education enrollment of student socioeconomic background international student assessment across national border primary school facility changing labor market university program old student performance in mathematics societal need teacher training course vocational program private sector dynamism salary for teacher high enrollment tertiary student national employment service elective subject higher education program workforce skill higher education student low enrollment rate half of work higher literacy parental attitude traditional teaching method technical education institution market entrant vocational study job-related skill higher education outcome fishing technology white collar worker well-developed education system teacher deployment policy net attendance ratio relationship with teachers availability of teacher salaries for employees demand for graduate acquisition of knowledge applied studies applied science general high school skill job student demand rural residence gross enrollment vocational school curriculum general secondary student changing skill requirement
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Doc Name
Serbia’s New Growth Agenda - Country Economic Memorandum : Job and Training-Ready
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Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
P169068,YF-Serbia New Growth Agenda Cem -- P169068
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
EFI-ECA-MTI-MacroFiscal-2 (EECM2),EFI-ECA-MTI-MacroFiscal-2
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