cover image: Nigeria - Transforming Irrigation Management in Nigeria (TRIMING) Project : Environmental Assessment (Vol. 3) : Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Dadin Kowa Irrigation Scheme, Gombe State


Nigeria - Transforming Irrigation Management in Nigeria (TRIMING) Project : Environmental Assessment (Vol. 3) : Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Dadin Kowa Irrigation Scheme, Gombe State

14 Apr 2020

The development objective of the Transforming Irrigation Management in Nigeria (TRIMING) Project for Nigeria is to improve access to irrigation and drainage services and to strengthen institutional arrangement for integrated water resources management and agriculture service delivery in selected large scale public schemes in Northern Nigeria. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures are includes : (i) due to movement of vehicles and heavy equipment,precisely on dusty access roads as in the case of KRIS and HVIS, there will be increase of fugitive dust, especially if the pre-construction phase is in the dry season (November - March); (ii) soil compaction and soil structure changes may occur due to influx and stationary positioning of heavy-duty equipment and vehicles which may upset the underlying soil in pressured areas thereby increasing the potential for soil erosion; (iii)vegetation clearing and necessary earth works as a result of construction of new building will promote the alteration of some habitats, mischaracterizing them of their ecological functions, and in some cases evenleading to their elimination; (vi) reduced water supply for farming activities for farmers and domestic water users during civil works; (vii) degradation of local air quality as a result ofemission of cement and other particulate matter during construction; (viii) rehabilitation activities may reduce access to owned farm lands and other income generating activities thus disrupting economic activities; (ix) temporal blockage of access routes to farmlands and grazing/watering areas by repair materials, wastes and heavy trucks evacuating wastes and potential exposure of community members to construction hazard; (ix) sprinkling of water via spraying devices to limit dust; (x) awareness creation on expected behaviour for the workers, youth and general population of the community; (xi) enhanced fastening ofequipment to carriage section of vehicles; (xi) monitor quality and salinity level ofdrainage water and its impacts into the farms or other receptors.
africa nigeria global environment facility public private partnership land use gender-based violence natural resources agricultural productivity acquired immune deficiency syndrome child abuse child labour endangered species hydrology human beings conservation of nature river basin development sexually transmitted diseases social development solid waste management termination of employment traffic control urban land water resources water resource management social analysis code of conduct sexually transmitted disease domestic animal storage capacity threatened species return on investment person with disability water supply and sanitation occupational health and safety child labor safety management gender based violence road accidents ground water convention on biological diversity literature review water contamination conservation status sexual activity source of energy pumping station construction work biodiversity action plan heavy equipment chemical oxygen demand date palm study area irrigation water exotic species hiv / aids human immunodeficiency virus rainy season social conflict and violence access road natural resource conservation environmental and social impact social and environmental payment of salary land and water community health and safety increased demand land acquisition and resettlement appropriate mitigation measures grievance redress mechanism construction waste project intervention dry season consultations with stakeholders stakeholder consultation excavation work efficient use of water water user association source income water bodies water use efficiency source of income integrate water resource agricultural activity flora and fauna physical cultural resources social impacts and poverty mitigation resettlement action plan source of funding resettlement policy framework poverty and social impact analysis quality of life & leisure cultural practice irrigation scheme payment of compensation farming activity waste disposal site ownership share type stretch of river management and administration impacts on biodiversity beneficial impact plant species ambient air quality ambient noise level local farmer loss of life baseline conditions piece of legislation use of child cost component water resource development project labour influx national water resource awareness creation average annual rainfall health facility survey national regulation violence against woman national environmental convention on wetland environment and natural resources expropriation of land loss of wetland construction of drains literacy level air monitoring field data use of chemicals reduction in poverty employee will re low population density cubic meter of water good compliance loss of livelihood safe work environment federal capital territory fishing activity social origin water and land biodiversity issues river training works water loss waste treatment facility species of mammal air pollution control farm area transfer of technology freshwater resource chemical control tertiary canal flood water secondary canal water, sanitation and waste management,agriculture, fishing and forestry water borne disease erosion control measures area of jurisdiction toxic gas biological oxygen demand administrative framework emergency contingency plan wet season health and safety training school drop out access to irrigation hunting of wildlife prevalence hiv mean value deterioration of water leave bank protection community guinea fowl reptiles and amphibians customary right of occupancy safety of people high water mark induction training course oil waste access to genetic resources noise mitigation measure damage to vegetation adequate disposal facilities status of biodiversity international trade in animal identification of biodiversity wildlife species standard of behaviour species management sexual interactions public utility service irrigation and drainage,other water supply, sanitation and waste management,othe demand for fish water quality criteria national irrigation policy gender and agriculture abundance of species traffic warden locust bean terrestrial food chain neem tree public health implications source of disturbance fuel storage tanks species conservation


Renteria Lozano,Nigeria

Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Dadin Kowa Irrigation Scheme, Gombe State
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Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
NG-Transforming Irrigation Management In Nigeria -- P123112
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