Households into Work (HiW) is an employment support programme led by Liverpool City Region Combined
Authority (LCRCA). Clients are offered 1:1 bespoke support for up to 12 months, aimed at helping them identify
and overcome the issues that are preventing them from seeking, considering or moving into employment,
education or training. The issues faced by people on the programme are complex and varied including debt,
finances, housing, mental health, domestic violence, addiction and isolation.
Households into Work takes a whole household approach in recognition of the fact that people can be
adversely affected by the issues of other household members, and so working with them in isolation is less
likely to achieve a long-lasting solution to their problems. For the purposes of Households into Work, other
members of the household may include spouse, partner, children and grandchildren aged 16 and above,
parents, grandparents and friends; they do not need to live at the same address as each other. Clients are
referred to Households into Work by Jobcentre Plus and by a wide range of other organisations but can also
self-refer or may join as a household member of an existing client.
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