cover image: “Just another day in retail”: - Understanding and addressing workplace sexual harassment in the Australian retail industry


“Just another day in retail”: - Understanding and addressing workplace sexual harassment in the Australian retail industry

27 May 2024

“Just another day in retail”: Understanding and addressing workplace sexual harassment in the Australian retail industry 10 Executive summary Sexual harassment is a systemic and pervasive feature of Aims the retail industry ecosystem and a persistent part of daily interactions between retail workers, and their managers, Despite the size and significance of the retail industry, few peers and custom. [...] Despite the prevalence and risk of sexual harassment in the retail industry? harassment in the retail industry and the importance 5) How can retail stakeholders improve the prevention, of this industry as a major employer in Australia and reporting and management of sexual harassment in globally, there is a scarcity of research on the experiences retail workplaces? of retail workers in relation to. [...] This research aims of retail employees are women, making it the third- to understand: 1) the prevalence of sexual harassment in most feminised industry in the country after health the retail industry; 2) the nature of sexual harassment in care and social assistance, and education and training the retail industry; 3) whether retail workers’ experiences (ABS, 2022b). [...] unable to explore the various socio-economic factors that contribute to staff turnover, including the nature of In retail: The financial impact of sexual harassment on the work, the importance of the job, and the influence of retail businesses has rarely been the subject of academic supportive work groups, a limitation noted by Hughes and studies. [...] This chapter leverages four survey datasets to empirically When compared to the general working population: establish the context, the prevalence, the nature and the profiles of the targets of sexual harassment in the • t he prevalence of sexual harassment in retail was higher Australian retail sector.
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