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Consumer Data Right Strategic Review July 2024

2 Jul 2024

The government agreed to the Review recommendations, both for the framework of the overarching Consumer Data Right and for the application of the right to the Banking sector – with a phased implementation from July 2019, starting with the publication of product reference data by the big four banks. [...] This amendment: ▪ Set out the role, functions and powers of each of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) and Data Standards Body (DSB) ▪ Outlined the overarching objectives and principles for the Consumer Data Right ▪ Created a power for the Treasurer to apply the Consumer Data Right to new sectors ▪ Enshrined a guarant. [...] leads CDR policy and program delivery, including development of rules and advice to Designation Government on next steps in the CDR Internally, within the Treasury, the Data Standards Body (DSB) is responsible for developing the standards that dictate the procedures for data sharing under the CDR. [...] Data Standards Body (DSB) Data Standards Advisory Established to oversee the development and maintenance of CDR data standards to Committee (DSAC) (within Treasury) develops technical standards, address the evolving needs of consumers, the Data Standards Advisory Committee Technical & Consumer consumer experience standards and guidelines, (DSAC) is composed of industry experts, consumer representa. [...] A legal entity that can receive a consumer’s data under the Consumer Data Right and use that data to provide the consumer with goods and services with the consumer’s consent.


Maxwell Pryor

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