cover image: [Document Submitted] Extraordinary Report


[Document Submitted] Extraordinary Report

20 Jun 2024

2 [Content of the Report] (1) Date of the General Meeting of Shareholders June 18, 2024 (2) Details of Proposals Resolved Proposal No. [...] ―2― (3) The number of voting rights which represent either for, against or abstain on proposals for resolution; requirements for the approval of the proposals and results of the resolutions For Against Abstain Results and Ratio Proposals for resolution (Number of (Number of (Number Requirements of Affirmative Votes voting rights) voting rights) abstaining) for Approval (%) Proposal No. [...] Attendance of shareholders holding one-third or more of the voting rights who are eligible for exercising their voting rights and approval by a majority of voting rights of such shareholders who are present. [...] (4) Reason for excluding a portion of the voting rights held by the shareholders present from the number of voting rights The resolution for either approval or disapproval of the proposals became evident by aggregating the number of voting rights exercised by the day before the General Meeting of Shareholders and the number of voting rights exercised by a portion of shareholders present at the mee. [...] ―3― 1 [Reason for Filing] 2 [Content of the Report] (1) Date of the General Meeting of Shareholders (2) Details of Proposals Resolved (3) The number of voting rights which represent either for, against or abstain on proposals for resolution; requirements for the approval of the proposals and results of the resolutions (4) Reason for excluding a portion of the voting rights held by the shareholders.
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