cover image: W ater W ars :  Endurin g  My

W ater W ars : Endurin g My

14 Jun 2024

Despite the fact that such terminology was used in an Will there be a Water War? all-encompassing manner, and that the titanic struggle between the USA and Views expressed in this Monograph Series are not necessarily The case of the Kunene River the USSR was waged on almost every continent, the truth is that from the those of ACCORD. [...] The Kunene River is Of course, the changes in the theoretical discourse reflected the tectonic shared by Namibia and Angola, and his discussion falls within the context of Charting the Course of the Water shifts in the post-Cold War global security landscape. [...] The first of these related to the lack of a clear theoretical tions of water (more specifically water scarcity) to a particular functional focus, and this resulted in us including a chapter by Professor Anton du domain, the discourse extends to issues of economics, development, the envi- Plessis, which firmly grounds the water and security nexus within the wider ronment, security and human rights. [...] Consequently, based on perceptions of 6 7 9 Anton du Plessis Charting the course of the water discourse Anton du Plessis Charting the course of the water discourse water as a global common and a shared concern, and resulting from the they are neither scholars, nor theorists of international relations. [...] On the contrary, the water discourse is Superficially, the water discourse appears to navigate an uncertain are at the centre of many of the world’s most pressing problems.
Published in
South Africa