cover image: Property Inheritance Rights and Female Political  Participation in India

Property Inheritance Rights and Female Political Participation in India

4 Jul 2024

In addition, we find increase in the vote share of female candidates and increase in the likelihood of female candidates winning the elections post the amendment. [...] The data gives detailed information on election candidates including the name and gender of all the contesting candidates in the constituency-year, the party with which the candidate is affiliated, vote share received by candidates, their position obtained in the elections, the constituency and year in which the election is conducted among others. [...] 3.2 Empirical Model We use the variation in the timing of HSA amendment by the five states and examine the impact of the amendment on female political participation in a DID framework. [...] The results reported in Figures 3, 4 and 5 show that almost none of the coefficients of the interaction for the pre-reform years are statistically significant suggesting absence of pre-existing trend in political participation in the treatment states before the amendment was implemented. [...] We use the fact that the amendment was applicable to unmarried women in the treatment states and estimate the following regression equation: ′ Yist = +βs+ θt + γtreatedis ∗HSAAs,t + δZi,s,t + ϵi,s,t (3) where Yi,s,t is the outcome for woman i born in year t residing in state s and treated takes a value 1 if the female’s age lies in the bottom 10% of the age at marriage distribution in the year of.
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