cover image: Lebanon - Roads and Employment Project : Environmental Assessment (Vol. 11) : Environmental and Social Management Plan for Rehabilitation of the Selected Roads in Zgharta Caza


Lebanon - Roads and Employment Project : Environmental Assessment (Vol. 11) : Environmental and Social Management Plan for Rehabilitation of the Selected Roads in Zgharta Caza

17 Jun 2020

The development objectives of the Roads and Employment Project for Lebanon are to: (i) improve transport connectivity along select paved road sections; and (ii) create short term jobs for Lebanese and Syrians. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures include: (1) abide by a dust management plan for air pollution from emissions of machinery, trucks, or open burning activities; (2) prohibit the discharge of wastewater into nearby water bodies under any condition; (3) proper storage of raw material including chemicals and fuel and handling must be on a paved and sealed floor; (4) construction workers must be trained and provided with awareness sheets on efficient energy use; (5) training and awareness should be raised to workers concerning water usage best practices and water conservation; (6) ensure that all workers (locals and foreign, skilled, and unskilled) shall be compensated equally as per the scale of market price rates; (7) traffic shall be secured via alternative routes to reach relevant destinations in case the works imply the temporary closure of this road; and (8) installation of signs near sensitive areas to prevent people from using the pressure horns to reduce noise pollution.
gender equality carbon monoxide water pollution land use private school involuntary resettlement unemployment rate lebanon humanitarian crisis climate change mitigation middle east and north africa agricultural land hydrology industry intelligent transport systems noise pollution pollutant levels sea level traffic management water law water resources raw material public safety international convention environmental standard public consultation soil pollution code of conduct physical environment penal code green area noise level public hearing residential area child labor working condition wastewater treatment plant gender based violence consumption rate global environment sexual abuse land resources efficient energy use non-governmental organization speed limit social condition geological map national ambient air quality standards nitrogen oxide wastewater effluent traffic accident water source worker health and safety integrated solid waste management waste reduction geological formation warning signs demographic profile study area top soil construction site climate change mitigation and green house gases health care services industry awareness campaign environmental and social impact number of workers mitigation measure disposal site surrounding community construction and operation grievance mechanism local ngo main road site visits labor influx land acquisition and resettlement law and regulation violence against child grievance redress mechanism safety measure wastewater discharge positive impact traffic and road safety dust generation heavy machinery environmental and social management plan disposal of construction waste water bodies construction material construction activities machinery and equipment rehabilitation activities access to information policy safety plan project road in work livelihood improvement job opportunity job opportunities historical data negative environmental impact wild animal social consequence alternative route drainage system road closure retaining wall liquid waste monitoring plan surface water quality agricultural area improvement of road concrete block air emission international level national institutions first aid kit surface water body temporary structures improper disposal national environmental environment and natural resources street light archeological site women empowerment native language local nongovernmental organization respiratory health informal settlement tertiary road location of road medical center contamination of soil contamination of water accidental spill health care centers dust pollution concrete mix public health risk socioeconomic impact environmental and social monitor waste management practice contamination of surface construction road renewable source of energy road safety issue registered refugees sewage network accident rate several times agriculture research traffic load public announcement receiving water pavement rehabilitation discharge of wastewater ambient water quality private hospitals water course refugee settlement public health problem open burn average annual temperature olive tree provide aid air quality data drilling activity public administration - transportation,rural and inter-urban roads land resource wooden boards pine trees animal movement educational center agricultural sites environmental mitigation plan pavement maintenance liquid effluent traffic regulation surface condition animal crossing air quality assessment road blockage road injury car repair car accident deterioration of soils concrete safety barrier legislative decree operational wastewater groundwater body oil spill event cover material transport noise vehicle hour transportation traffic orange tree environmental air wildlife people vehicle construction fig plant contractual wage nitrogen monoxide


Associated Consulting Engineers

Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Environmental and Social Management Plan for Rehabilitation of the Selected Roads in Zgharta Caza
Document Date
Loan no
Originating Unit
World Bank Office: Beirut (MNCLB)
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
LB-Roads And Employment Project -- P160223
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Version Type
Volume No


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