cover image: Concept Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) - GPSA Moldova: Improving Access to Justice with a Focus on Families Affected by Domestic Violence and Gender-based Violence Project - P172747


Concept Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) - GPSA Moldova: Improving Access to Justice with a Focus on Families Affected by Domestic Violence and Gender-based Violence Project - P172747

2 Feb 2020

No C. Summary Description of Proposed Project [including overview of Country, Sectoral & Institutional Contexts and Relationship to CPF] The project is conceived of as part of a broader set of inter-connected interventions aimed at improving the treatment and prevention of DV & GBV in Moldova. [...] The project’s primary beneficiaries will be the members of “local coalitions” in target rayons – selected as part of the broader JSDF and GPSA -funded project to include urban and rural communities in a minimum of six rayons across Moldova (criteria for selection of these rayons will be clarified during preparation stage). [...] The Project will ultimately aim to address this underlying social issues, and the activities will not instigate or contribute to this ongoing situations, and thus, the Project is not anticipated to have direct adverse social safeguards impacts or risks. [...] Thus, the cognitive dissonance between the role exertion and the existing gender norms is increasing the pressure and frustration in both men and women, and contribute to an increased level of psychological, verbal, physical and sexual violence in the family (East Europe Foundation, GPSA project proposal: Moldova – Improving Access To Justice For The Vulnerable, With A Focus On Families Affected B [...] Hence, in the context of complex and rooted Feb 02, 2020 Page 4 of 8 Public Disclosure The World Bank GPSA Moldova: Improving Access to Justice with a Focus on Families Affected by Domestic Violence and Gender-based Violence Project (P172747) gender norms and power patterns, the Project aims to pilot an integrated approach to change empirical and normative expectations by engaging stakeholders at
gender equality moldova access to justice rural area land use stakeholder engagement domestic violence social safeguard gender-based violence cultural heritage social protection natural resources europe and central asia sexual violence financial intermediaries project monitoring social cohesion social development professional association rural community social worker gender and development safeguard policy gender based violence fiduciary responsibility global environment sustainable management physical violence social group social issue social conflict and violence number of women environmental and social review summary project risk project datum environmental risk contract worker general assessment safeguard policies civil works grievance redress mechanism project costing adverse risks social risk rating borrower's commitment social assessment public official development partner labor requirement gender dynamic labor issue in family public sector specialist criteria for selection disadvantaged community safeguards requirement youth and gender-based violence violence against woman environment and natural resources negative social impacts marginalized group social accountability mechanism primary beneficiaries local council local public labor legislation combating violence gender norm contractual relationship social accountability process several times low education internal evaluation ecological aspects ethnic background leave bank social data research data municipal service providers human rights protection several approaches massive migration court representative



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Doc Name
Concept Environmental and Social Review Summary (ESRS) - GPSA Moldova: Improving Access to Justice with a Focus on Families Affected by Domestic Violence and Gender-based Violence Project - P172747
Document Date
Originating Unit
Social GL (SSOGL)
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
P172747,MD-Gpsa Moldova: Improving Access To Justice With A Focus On Famil -- P172747
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