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Cote d'Ivoire - Urban Resilience and Solid Waste Management Project : Environmental Safeguards Instruments Summary

3 Mar 2020

At the institutional level, the implementation of the ESMF involves the following actors and technical structures: • Project Manager: the Ministry of Sanitation (MINASS); • Steering Committee: composed of (i) the Minister of Sanitation and/or his representative; (ii) the Minister of Economy and Finance; (iii) the Minister of State to the Prime Minister in charge of the Budget and the State Portfol [...] Environmental and social management will be carried out under the coordination of control missions and under the supervision of the Environmental Safeguard Specialist (ESS) and the Gender and Social Safeguard Specialist (GSHS) of the UCP as well as the Environmental Safeguard Specialist (ESS) of the Implementing Agencies, with the involvement of the Environmental and Social Correspondents (ESC) of [...] In accordance with its regulatory mission, it will check the conformity of the project with the ESMPs of the environmental and social safeguard documents it has approved; • the National Waste Management Agency (ANAGED) ensures the monitoring of sanitation on the work sites; • The Regional Departments of Environment and Sustainable Development (DREDD): They will be the extension of the ANDE at the [...] Environmental and social management Plan (ESMP) With the aim of attenuating the negative impacts and maximizing the positive ones resulting from the implementation of the sub-project on the one hand and, to meet the expectations of the communities on the other hand, an Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) was prepared. [...] Methodology The methodology consisted of : - the organization of a scoping meeting with the project which allowed to agree on the content of the Terms of Reference (TOR) and to agree on the methodological approach; - research and analysis of the literature, including legal texts on environmental management at the national and international levels and on the Bank's Environmental and Social Standard
africa agriculture gender-based violence cote d'ivoire personal protective equipment customs and traditions hydrology industry water resources public awareness campaign code of conduct water supply and sanitation oil and gas private sector involvement global environment convention on biological diversity environmental and social impact assessment persistent organic pollutant non governmental organizations nature-based solutions oil & gas climate change and agriculture hiv / aids health care services industry water and food supply urban solid waste management social and environmental mitigation measure water and electricity supply of materials community health and safety capacity building program environmental and social safeguard law and regulation grievance redress mechanism consultations with stakeholders environmental and social management framework acquisition of land living condition environmental and social management plan environmental and social performance machinery and equipment loss of income information and communication monitoring and evaluation system people with disability loss of land infrastructure and services construction of infrastructure safety and health pollution management & control brown issues and health movement of people national environmental policy loss of vegetation consultation of stakeholders national development plan environment and natural resources information and awareness risk of accident information, education and communication degradation of forest awareness-raising activities waste management plan loss of crop environmental and social monitor movement of vehicle flood and drought risk loss of property air pollution control local service provider national environmental legislation solid waste facility available water resource customary land right liquid waste management removal of trees waste management system air quality pollution sanitation master plan capacity-building program storm water management capacity of household prevention of accident national environmental action plan department of environment lack of drainage capacity building capacity building national waste management safety of people household waste management amounts of compensation municipal technical service environmental insurance solid waste management equipment waste management structure awareness-raising measures social protection standards management of excreta
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Doc Name
Cote d'Ivoire - Urban Resilience and Solid Waste Management Project : Environmental Safeguards Instruments Summary
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United States of America
Rel Proj ID
CI-Urban Resilience And Solid Waste Management Project -- P168308
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Urban DRM AFR 2 (SAFU1)
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