cover image: Challenges and Opportunities of Venezuelan Migration in Ecuador (Vol. 2) : Executive Summary


Challenges and Opportunities of Venezuelan Migration in Ecuador (Vol. 2) : Executive Summary

21 Jul 2020

As of September 2019, approximately 4.3 million people left Venezuela. 80 percent migrated to Latin America and the main recipient countries have been Colombia, Peru, and Ecuador. At the beginning of the Venezuelan exodus, Ecuador was characterized as a transit country to Peru or other countries in the southern cone such as Chile and Argentina. However, between 2015 and September 2019, almost 400,000 Venezuelans decided to settle in Ecuador.
ecuador human rights discrimination industry migrant jobs labor markets convention relating to the status of refugees latin america & caribbean educational sciences health care services industry health service management and delivery law and development nutrition and population health services delivery social protections and labor million people fragility, conflict, and violence access to health service national survey conditional cash transfer program know how higher level of education protection of migrants migrant population access to international finance flow of migrants educated young people second regional comparative and explanatory study second wave of migration
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Doc Name
Executive Summary
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United States of America
Rel Proj ID
EC-Ecuador Ta On Venezuelan Migration Impacts -- P172640
Total Volume(s)
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