cover image: Towards Climate Resilient Environmental and Natural Resources Management in the Lake Victoria Basin


Towards Climate Resilient Environmental and Natural Resources Management in the Lake Victoria Basin

14 Jun 2020

This report is a synthesis of the key findings and results of the four technical reports, with a focus on the assessment of Climate Resilience (CR) contributed by ENRM measures. This report is structured as follows. After the introduction, chapter two presents the terminology, a review of the approaches to building climate resilience, and an overview of the methodology used in this study. Chapter three first provides a literature review of climate change and ENRM in the LVB, including a review of environmental and climate challenges and ongoing initiatives. It also surveys the major climate hazards and risks in the basin through a study of historical events, projections of climate change, and potential impacts to different sectors across the basin. Chapter four presents an assessment of climate risks at the micro-scale, focusing on three community case studies in Tanzania’s Mwanza Region—an assessment undertaken using participatory approaches. Chapter five examines the institutional frameworks for addressing environmental and natural resource management and climate change and describes the key gaps and needs. Chapter six identifies and assesses ENRM interventions that could strengthen climate resilience. Recommendations and suggestions for improvements are presented in chapter seven.
health africa kenya water quality climate resilience climate adaptation environmental degradation hydrology water resources intergovernmental authority on development adaptation to climate change global environment literature review natural resource management fish stock action on climate change impact of climate change natural resources and blue economy nutrition and population science and technology development resilience to climate change million people science of climate change climate change and environment climate change and health climate shock gap analysis climate change risk agriculture and livestock climate change impacts vulnerability to climate change climate change and disaster risk degradation of land climate adaptation and mitigation rain-fed agriculture loss of wetland rapid population growth risk and vulnerability point source pollution climate change adaptation strategy water and land climate risk assessment land use practice impact on water resource climate change activities national adaptation tanzania and uganda assessment of climate risks development strategy and investment exposure to climate hazards magnitude of climate change


Hammond,Michael John,Xie,Jian

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Towards Climate Resilient Environmental and Natural Resources Management in the Lake Victoria Basin
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