cover image: Aligning Actors for Learning : The Evolution of Social Accountability in the Dominican Republic’s Education Sector


Aligning Actors for Learning : The Evolution of Social Accountability in the Dominican Republic’s Education Sector

2 Dec 2020

The practice of social accountability has evolved since the 1990s. Today, we understand social accountability as a process that enables the inclusive participation and collective action of citizens and civil society organizations in public policy making and implementation so that state and service providers are responsive to citizens’ needs and held accountable. This evolution is illustrated through the work targeting the Dominican Republic’s education sector which includes a project funded by the Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA) focused on citizen engagement in monitoring education service delivery. This GPSA note contends that what may have started as tool-based transparency and social accountability interventions that were isolated from the country’s education policy making evolved toward collaborative, problem-solving social accountability approaches. The most recent efforts integrated a focus on building synergies with education policy making and programing from the beginning.
rule of law civil society early childhood education social protection quality of education social development access to education social movement civil society engagement public expenditure management world education policy and planning educational sciences teachers management effective schools and teachers the world region educational institutions & facilities service delivery system social accountability public sector institution provision of good civil society group educational policy and planning - ministry of education educational policy and planning - institutional development take time student learn outcome implementation of reform educational populations education for development (superceded) civil society actor quality education for all international development partner other human development civil society participation social service provision budget for education public sector reform budget monitoring quality of public social accountability process civil society monitoring compulsory primary education good governance practices ongoing public sector civil society work governance and growth access to information law public investment in education general education act public interest issue plant seed fiscal justice civil society entities capacity on budget execution technology for citizen engagement education policy making terms of communications


Guerzovich,Maria Florencia,Poli,Maria,Fokkelman,Emilie Philippa

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Doc Name
Aligning Actors for Learning : The Evolution of Social Accountability in the Dominican Republic’s Education Sector
Document Date
Published in
United States of America
Series Name
Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA);Note No.14
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Social PM (SSIGL)
Version Type
Volume No


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