cover image: Renewable energy highlights - 11 July 2024 - Electricity generation by energy source

Renewable energy highlights - 11 July 2024 - Electricity generation by energy source

10 Jul 2024

Since 2010, the largest growth in renewable electricity has been driven by solar and wind energy (variable renewables), which reached 11.7% of the global electricity mix in 2022 with a growth of 18.2% from 2021. [...] In terms of the electricity mix by region, South America leads the way with 75.0% of its electricity coming from renewable sources, predominantly hydropower, which accounts for three-quarters of their renewable energy. [...] The rest of installed capacity amounts to 5.1 TW (57.0%) of non-renewable power comprised of 4.5 TW (50.4%) of fossil fuels, 398 GW (4.4%) of nuclear energy, 142 GW (1.6%) of pumped storage and 45 GW (0.5%) of other non-renewables. [...] The status of solar energy as the main source of capacity is likely to remain in future years, also reflected by its predominance in 347 GW out of 473 GW of renewable power additions in 2023. [...] Europe leads the way in renewable heat generation, accounting for 92.1% of the global renewable heat generation and with a renewable share of 10.7% of the 8 028 PJ of heat generated in the region.


Adrian Whiteman

Published in
United Arab Emirates