cover image: Nalin Surie       - Volume II, Issue 6

Nalin Surie - Volume II, Issue 6

4 Jul 2024

DPG is deeply committed to the growth of India’s national power and purpose, the security and prosperity of the people of India and India’s contributions to the global public good. [...] The future direction of the Chinese economy will undoubtedly have a concrete impact on several aspects of the regional and international economy, and in the balance between development and security. [...] The unity and determination of the G7 grouping was underlined, as was the intention to strengthen international rules and norms for the benefit of all. [...] It also affirms the universality and integrity of UNCLOS which is the legal foundation for all acts at sea and ocean, and emphasises the need to maintain the integrity of the Convention. [...] India has considered it its responsibility to place the priorities and concerns of the countries of the Global South on the world stage”.


Raj Kumar Shahi

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