New Defending Globalization Content: A Case Against World Government and the First Age of Globalization

New Defending Globalization Content: A Case Against World Government and the First Age of Globalization

9 Jul 2024

Today we've published two new essays for Cato's Defending Globalization project: A Cosmopolitan Case against World Government, by Ilya Somin explains why support for globalization and opposition to global government are not contradictory positions. Without Protectionism and Wars, Could the First Age of Globalization Have Occurred a Century Earlier?, by Vincent Geloso shows that government-created barriers to trade (e.g., tariffs and wars) delayed the onset of globalization by a century. This content joins thirty-two other essays and additional multimedia features on the main Defending Globalization project page. Make sure to check it all out and stay tuned for future releases.


Scott Lincicome

Published in
United States of America