Pakistan: One-year extension of UN-registered Afghan refugees a welcome first step, lifeline must extend to all

Pakistan: One-year extension of UN-registered Afghan refugees a welcome first step, lifeline must extend to all

11 Jul 2024

Responding to the announcement on Wednesday that the Government of Pakistan has agreed to a one-year extension to more than 1.45 million Afghan refugees who held UNHCR-issued Proof of Registration (PoR) cards in the country, Thyagi Ruwanpathirana, Regional Researcher for South Asia, Amnesty International, said: “The decision by the Pakistan government to extend the stay of PoR cards holders for another year is a welcome development. However, Amnesty International urges the Government of Pakistan to extend this lifeline to all Afghan refugees in Pakistan and formally suspend the ‘Illegal Foreigners Repatriation Plan’. The uncertainty hanging over the future of more than 2.1 million Afghan refugees must end.
pakistan afghanistan refugees news asia and the pacific south asia press release
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