South Asia - Clean Growth : Partnerships with the Private Sector (English)

South Asia - Clean Growth : Partnerships with the Private Sector (English)

12 Jul 2024

Current levels of climate financing for developing countries fall short of what is needed for mitigation purposes. While public policy is key, private sector must play a leading role in adopting a clean growth path. Clean growth is a key strategic priority for IFC in both its investment and advisory work to facilitate private sector's growing role. IFC is increasingly supporting private sector to move to a lower-carbon growth path through its support in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and resource efficiency, together defined as climate-smart investments. IFC also assists governments on private sector participation in infrastructure, renewable energy and other public services. Investments by IFC have a strong demonstration effect, and encourage other private sponsors and investors in other emerging markets to support renewable energy projects.
south asia private sector development


World Bank

Disclosure Date
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Doc Name
South Asia - Clean Growth : Partnerships with the Private Sector
Published in
United States of America
Unit Owning
South Asia
Version Type
Volume No

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