cover image: Forum meeting record - 1 Welcome & Agenda

Forum meeting record - 1 Welcome & Agenda

14 Jul 2024

Raised by Question/Issue Raised Response Yvonne Tuckett – Origin When will AEMO provide feedback on the input received AEMO will provide an email update to Energy from participants in relation to the options for managing participants, and discuss at the EWCF the implementation of the ST PASA rule. [...] • AEMO presented the program level 1 & 2 milestones and noted key call outs as outlined on slide 10 of the slide pack. [...] • Further details relating to the BDU transition are outlined on slide 15 and in addition, details relating to hyper-care , and post go live support are outlined on slide 16. [...] SCADA Lite Luke Barlow (Slides 33-38) • AEMO provided a brief update on the SCADA lite activities with further details outlined on slides 34 through to 38 of the accompanying slide pack. [...] • AEMO will now progress the next stages of planning for these initiatives: o Progress planning activities for IDX and IDAM o Establishing technical working groups for IDX and IDAM o Updated plan on a page is being prepared o Updates to the Final Business Case and close out • AEMO will seek industry input in terms of structure, participation and timing and will come back to industry at the July PC.


Nerida Hippisley

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