cover image: The Effects of Taxes and Social Spending on the Distribution of Household Income in Mauritius


The Effects of Taxes and Social Spending on the Distribution of Household Income in Mauritius

27 Jun 2019

Over the last decade, steady economic growth has placed Mauritius solidly in the upper middle-income group and has contributed to further reducing poverty. Economic growth has been accompanied by an increase in income inequality that has recently started to decline. Rising inequality in household income from labor has been the main culprit behind the growth in overall income inequality. The government's efforts to redistribute the benefits of growth have helped to partially mitigate the increases in labor income inequality. Scope of this study is to investigate the effect of the fiscal system as a whole on the distribution of income as of 2017 and to unpack the contribution of single fiscal instruments to poverty and inequality.
africa mauritius fiscal policy primary and secondary education gross domestic product inclusive economic growth disability economic assistance industry value added tax purchasing power parity excise duty health care service poverty reduction social security contribution tax rate public health expenditure per capita income cash transfers disposable income world health organization corporate tax child allowance retirement age social spending government expenditure public education spending pension benefit excise tax negative income tax tax burden public health care fiscal incidence analysis fiscal policies social security system free education private health care cash transfer income tax return liquified petroleum gas educational sciences macroeconomics and economic growth health care services industry social protections and labor access of poor to social services services & transfers to poor poor household social protection and labor social protections & assistance social protection system cash transfer program education and health cash transfer system environment and sustainable development national poverty line low-income household distribution of school poverty & inequality poverty headcount distribution of consumption poverty and equity department of economics income from property per capita term cash transfer scheme total government spending labor force survey wages and salary private health services depth of poverty household and individual civil service salary total public spending poverty measures adult equivalent change in poverty higher level of education decline in poverty school attendance rate fiscal system income concepts increase in labor total tax collection public education system composition of public spending total public expenditure distribution of household salaries and wages labor market program social protection spending income from business income rise fiscal instrument incidence of tax amount of tax subject to taxation market income poverty indicator total tax revenue increase in income inequality public bus transport fiscal income degree of poverty absolute poverty line range of taxes income from capital effect of taxes impact of tax poverty gap ratio household income inequality concentration coefficient redistributive effect income before taxes defined benefit scheme indirect subsidy square poverty gap defined contribution system individual pension account composition of tax revenue number of orphans personal income taxation expenditure on alcohol definitions of income personal income tax deductions healthy child development private health expenditure exemption threshold personal pension plan flat tax system income tax bracket chargeable income negative taxable income curative care services



Disclosure Status
Doc Name
The Effects of Taxes and Social Spending on the Distribution of Household Income in Mauritius
Document Date
Originating Unit
Poverty GP AFR 1 (GPV01)
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
MU-Mauritius: Promoting Sustainable Economic Growth Through Equity -- P168012
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Poverty GP AFR 1 (GPV01)
Version Type
Volume No


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