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Kenya - Country Environmental Analysis

18 Jun 2020

The Kenya Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) presents recent findings and trends on key environmental challenges and opportunities. The CEA identifies a set of recommendations that are necessary to both strengthen the country’s environmental management capabilities and ensure that environmental issues are adequately incorporated into broader development initiatives and investments. The core of Kenya’s poverty and environmental problems lies at the nexus of population growth, inequality, and high dependence on natural resource–based incomes. A rapidly rising population increases the numbers of people seeking natural resource–based livelihood opportunities placing further pressures on already fragile ecosystems. Climate change is accelerating the impact of existing vulnerabilities to environmental shocks such as floods, droughts, and heatwaves. Kenya’s economy has always depended heavily on environmental goods and services. Kenya’s economic growth is intensifying, and it is crucial that environmentally sustainable approaches are part of this process. In addition, Kenya’s diverse regional landscapes create the necessity for versatile environmental regulatory policies which can be adapted to suit local environmental conditions, challenges, and opportunities. Kenya has a wide range of progressive environmental policies, but implementation remains a challenge. Implementationis often characterized by weak technical and managerial capacity, poor coordination, and inadequate funding. Political commitment does not always match the urgency of policy rhetoric. This is partly because the benefits to improved environmental management are often slow to mature and do not match short-term election cycles. Devolution has added to the challenge. While the responsibility for implementing environmental policies has moved to counties, there is not necessarily a parallel transfer of appropriate technical expertise. While institutional coordination remains weak, inadequate budget allocations and slow budgetary transfers are common. This is a problem for the county administrations and hampers the implementation of environmental (and other) policies and plans.
africa kenya disaster risk reduction disaster risk management sea level rise climate risk information and communication technology environmental policy urban development water resource drought science and technology forest degradation water scarcity agricultural production hydrology land degradation land use change liquefied petroleum gas environmental pollution social development water resources climate change policy purchasing power parity integrated development disaster management environmental sustainability sustainable land management sanitation and hygiene global burden of disease environment and development purchasing power parities global environment food insecurity natural resource management open defecation natural resource sector impact of climate change oil and gas exploration water tower natural resources and blue economy health care services industry conflict and development hazard risk management nutrition and population social risk management flood risk science and technology development environmental challenge refugee camp million people source income source of income science of climate change climate change and environment climate change and health source of funding public sector institution climate change risk change in precipitation loss of land national poverty line long-term sustainable development climate change resilience sustainable land use early warning system electronic waste management poverty & inequality policy and institution improving food security sustainable land and water management cost of land degradation increase in population management of water supply budgetary allocation demand for good danish international development environment and natural resources climate smart agriculture response to disaster charcoal production implementation of policies flow of fund wood fuel natural resource base climate change knowledge portal climate change awareness tree cover environmental risk management improve water resource water and land environmental sector renewable natural resource water quality and quantity effective information sharing land use practice sources of water natural resource degradation wealth of nation loss of ecosystem services cgiar consultative group future climate change mean annual temperature waste management system soil fertility management community wildlife local environmental condition cost of water public awareness program high population growth rate public health hazards national environment policy natural resource rent solid fuel reduction in pollution water sector investment environmental health impact other agriculture, fishing and forestry,other water supply, sanitation and waste water scarce country environment action plan alien invasive species coastal county water catchment management health of the environment poor water supply sustainable resource use intertropical convergence zone climate analysis indicators environmental policy goal environmental management capabilities environmental regulatory policy industry, trade and services,public administration,energy and extractives,water, subsidies for fertilizer natural replenishment marginal agricultural land


Dwumfour,Edward Felix,Croxton,Simon,Khvostova,Svetlana

Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Kenya - Country Environmental Analysis
Document Date
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Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
KE-Enhancing Dialogue On Environment And Natural Resources In Keny -- P158695
Total Volume(s)
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