cover image: Trends in Maternal Mortality : 1990 to 2015


Trends in Maternal Mortality : 1990 to 2015

1 Dec 2015

In 2000, the United Nations (UN) Member States pledged to work towards a series of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), including the target of a three-quarters reduction in the 1990 maternal mortality ratio (MMR; maternal deaths per 100 000 live births), to be achieved by 2015. This target (MDG 5A) and that of achieving universal access to reproductive health (MDG 5B) together formed the two targets for MDG 5: Improve maternal health. In the five years counting down to the conclusion of the MDGs, a number of initiatives were established to galvanize efforts towards reducing maternal mortality. These included the UN Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health, which mobilized efforts towards achieving MDG 4 (Improve child health) as well as MDG 5, and the high-level Commission on Information and Accountability (COIA), which promoted “global reporting, oversight, and accountability on women’s and children’s health”. Now, building on the momentum generated by MDG 5, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) establish a transformative new agenda for maternal health towards ending preventable maternal mortality; target 3.1 of SDG 3 is to reduce the global MMR to less than 70 per 100 000 live births by 2030.
sustainable development human rights unfpa gross domestic product women emergencies pregnancy tetanus refugees health services diseases training discrimination global health abortion adolescents acquired immunodeficiency syndrome aids cardiovascular diseases censuses child health childbirth mortality rate demographers family planning fertility fertility rate gender mainstreaming health insurance health policy household surveys human development human reproduction infant mortality legal status life expectancy malaria maternal health services maternal mortality midwives mortality population pregnant women publications purchasing power reproductive health research institutions school attendance progress vital statistics millennium development goals woman health care purchasing power parity epidemic resolution world population workshop newborn health service delivery maternal health world health organization hiv knowledge infant reproductive health services child health services complications maternal death health systems millennium development goal health system live birth policy quality of care vulnerable populations hiv infection health workers national health systems low-income countries antenatal care postpartum period maternal mortality ratio hospital development goals literacy rates universal access inequities live births baby obstetric care caesarean section childbearing health problems maternity care mortality ratio causes of death health-care providers mother aids epidemic maternal deaths pregnancies maternal mortality rate pregnant woman global aids epidemic newborn ministry of health complications of pregnancy human immunodeficiency virus respect number of women women of childbearing age national committee human life effective action national population social affairs pregnancy status empowering women risk of death reproductive age united nations population fund maternal mortality reduction reducing maternal mortality emergency obstetric care early pregnancy mortality reduction strategy for women civil registration systems modern family planning termination of pregnancy maternity services modern family planning methods health, nutrition and population :: adolescent health health, nutrition and population :: early child and children's health health, nutrition and population :: health monitoring & evaluation health, nutrition and population :: health indicators health, nutrition and population :: population policies adolescent girls populations skilled attendant palestinian territory childbearing age lifetime risk pregnancy-related deaths pregnancy-related causes maternal causes family members national levels traditional birth attendants number of deaths population fund mortality levels service utilization registration systems aids deaths skilled attendants level of fertility access to maternity services modern family health-care facilities united nations population division newborns mortality declines age mortality large populations population division population reference bureau family planning methods obstetric complications maternal mortality data maternal mortality ratios population structures perinatal morbidity childbirth complications


World Health Organization, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group, United Nations

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United States of America
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World Health Organization
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