cover image: Decarbonising Coal-based Direct Reduced Iron Production - Executive summary I

Decarbonising Coal-based Direct Reduced Iron Production - Executive summary I

10 Jul 2024

Coupled with the and technology mix of the steel sector in India, coal- fact that the type of coal and iron ore utilised for DRI based direct-reduced iron (DRI) is expected to play production has an impact on the emission footprint, it a significant role in the upcoming ramp-up of steel is necessary to quantify the impact of the quality and production. [...] that the use of lump ore is still prevalent due to the It was observed that most of the plants in India primarily lack of availability of sufficient quantities of pellets. [...] The survey also collected details The graph in Figure 5 shows the ore consumption regarding the quality of coal and the share of electricity pattern across the clusters surveyed. [...] It is important to Iron ore is used in the form of pellets, lump ore, or a note that in the case of the Raipur cluster, the difference mix of both in DRI production. [...] While WHRBs make use of waste technologies in the surveyed plants, where the region flue gases from the kiln to generate power, dolochar acts shaded in green represents the percentage of technology as low-grade fuel that can be mixed with coal to produce adoption, and the grey represents the share of plants power.
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