cover image: Nature-related Financial Disclosures - Frequently Asked Questions


Nature-related Financial Disclosures - Frequently Asked Questions

24 Jun 2024

The responses are based on information available at the time of publication to assist members of CA ANZ and the Governance Institute of Australia to obtain an understanding of the landscape, and therefore be better placed to engage with nature-related risks and opportunities and supporting financial disclosures. [...] It is defined by the TNFD as: “The natural world, with an emphasis on the diversity of living organisms (including people) and their interactions among themselves and with their environment.” It refers to all the existing systems created at the same time as the Earth, all the features, forces and processes, such as the weather, the sea and mountains. [...] Understanding the interplay of planetary boundaries, especially climate and loss of diversity, is key in science and practice.5 The declining health and resilience of the earth’s system (left of image below) is reflective of the top 10 risk perceptions in the next 10 years (right of image below) as illustrated in the World Economic Forum’s (WEF’s) 2023, 18th edition of the global risks report. [...] The Australian Government contributed to the funding of the TNFD and the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), engaged EY to conduct pilots and published an Australian case study report on the Taskforce on nature-related financial disclosures. [...] How can I start The TNFD, in the Getting started with adoption of the TNFD recommendations publication outlined key steps to understanding and consider when getting started with nature-related assessment and disclosure include: talking about nature? - Deepening an understanding of the fundamentals of nature; - Making the business case for nature and buy-in from the board and management; - Starting.


Debbie Kandauw

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