cover image: The Israeli Democracy Index 2023 | Prof. Tamar Hermann, Dr. Or Anabi, Yaron Kaplan, Inna Orly Sapozhnikova | Viterbi Family Center for Public Opinion and Policy Research | The Israel Democracy Institute

The Israeli Democracy Index 2023 | Prof. Tamar Hermann, Dr. Or Anabi, Yaron Kaplan, Inna Orly Sapozhnikova | Viterbi Family Center for Public Opinion and Policy Research | The Israel Democracy Institute

25 Jun 2024

Chapter 3: Public Trust in State Institutions Of the institutions regularly examined in the survey, once again this year the IDF enjoys the highest level of trust among Jews (at 85.5%), followed by the President of Israel (54%), the Supreme Court (42%), the police (35%), the government (28%), the media (25%), the Knesset (24%), and the political parties (13%). [...] The Arab sample was analyzed on the basis of voting patterns in the 2022 Knesset elections and area of residence, and (in some cases) religion as well; however, we limited the use of the latter variable due to the low share of Christians and Druze in the Arab sample (reflecting their low share in the actual population). [...] The findings suggest that the perception of danger in the various camps is related to the timing of the survey; in other words, whether a given camp was part of the Coalition or the Opposition at that point. [...] 191 that this stems from the opposing perspectives: Apparently, a high share of left-wing and secular respondents believe that checks and balances between the three branches of government are not maintained due to the power held by the legislative and executive branches (the Knesset and the government), whereas on the Right, and in the Haredi and national religious populations, a high share of res. [...] 86 Chapter 3 / Trust in State Institutions In this chapter, we discuss the following topics: Public trust in state institutions: An overview Trust in the IDF Trust in the President of Israel Trust in the Supreme Court Trust in the police Trust in the government Trust in the media Trust in the Knesset Trust in Israel’s political parties Trust in municipalities/local authorities.
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