cover image: Ex Ante Conditionality in ESI Funds: State of Play and their potential impact on the Financial Implementation of the Funds


Ex Ante Conditionality in ESI Funds: State of Play and their potential impact on the Financial Implementation of the Funds

22 Nov 2018

This study is a detailed analysis of progress in the fulfilment of all Ex Ante Conditionalities in the Common Provision Regulation for ESI Funds. The process is almost complete (99%). A number of managing authorities have experienced delays during the process of compliance and in access to funds. This is manifested by a lower absorption rate, but that is believed to be temporary. Delays as a rule affected countries with lower administrative capacities; nevertheless, most authorities interviewed judged the framework beneficial (even if its costs were considered to be significant). Also the managing authorities in countries with better administrative capacities tended to see the process of proving compliance to be rather burdensome.
innovation budget economic analysis economic policy regional development eu member state structural funds eu investment budgetary control european structural and investment funds evaluation of law and policy in practice


Jorge Nuñez Ferrer, Cinzia Alcidi, Matthias Busse, Roberto Musmeci, Noriko Fujiwara

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