cover image: Innovative Schools: Teaching & Learning in the Digital Era


Innovative Schools: Teaching & Learning in the Digital Era

11 Aug 2015

The digital revolution is transforming our work, our organisations and our routines. It is transforming the way children and young people play, access information, communicate with each other and learn. But, so far, this revolution has not transformed most schools or most teaching and learning process in classrooms. There is no doubt that education has an important role to play in increasing the European competitiveness and reducing unemployment, but what can policy makers do to take full advantage of emerging technologies in education while avoiding their downsides? With the objective of shedding some light on how Europe is performing (within the education field) in the "digital revolution" and to how strongly it is embedded both in school curricula and in teachers' education, the CULT Committee requested Policy Department B to organise a workshop on "Innovative Schools - teaching & learning in the digital era". The present document is the compilation of the background papers and power point presentations prepared for the workshop.
education digital technology culture educational reform teacher training teaching materials teaching curriculum digital literacy impact of information technology virtual community new educational methods learning technique forward planning


Kirsti Lonka, Vincent Cho

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