cover image: Who suffers most from heatwaves in the UK?


Who suffers most from heatwaves in the UK?

15 Jul 2022

This report by Friends of the Earth, based on research conducted by the University of Manchester, identifies the communities in the UK most vulnerable to the health impacts of heatwaves. The study uses data on current and future heat exposure combined with indicators of social vulnerability to map high-risk neighborhoods. It finds that 77% of neighborhoods in England have experienced hot weather in recent decades, and this number will increase with global warming. The report highlights the disproportionate impact on marginalized communities, including those with lower carbon footprints and higher proportions of people of colour. It calls for urgent adaptation measures, such as green infrastructure and improved housing, to protect these vulnerable populations. Organizations mentioned: UK Health Security Agency, Consumer Data Research Centre, Climate Change Committee, Climate Just.
public health environmental justice global warming climatic changes heat waves


Friends of the Earth, Sarah Lindley

Published in
United Kingdom

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