12 Jun 2024

MR MCAVOY SC: And do you accept that on the data that you've referred to, which the Commissioners have, that the trajectory in many aspects of that - in respect of the data recording many aspects of First Peoples' participation in the 45 education system, is one which does not disclose that that will be realised and that there is maximisation of education and training achievement? Yoorrook Justice. [...] I feel as confident as I can be that the work that we are doing within the Department, the work in relation to Marrung and the support of First Peoples' education more broadly is a genuine 5 commitment with multiple people working across the Department, senior and other levels and in our schools, where there is a genuine recognition of the failings and the need to do better, and the commitment to. [...] MR MCAVOY SC: Chair, before we go to the break, I just might take the opportunity to ask some questions in relation to the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, which come from the legislation that we have just been 35 discussing and then we can conclude that discussion regarding the legislation and move on to the policy. [...] COMMISSIONER WALTER: So what are the quality mechanisms put in place 35 to ensure the quality of the materials that students are getting and the consistency? So that we know that students in inner Melbourne and a student in Bendigo and a student elsewhere are getting the same quality and the depth of knowledge? MR STEPHEN FRASER: So one of the registration standards and we talked 40 about the regu. [...] I will just make the point that I think it's relevant, Mr McAvoy, that the discussion around curriculum which I agree is a really important one, it's both about, and I think we have drawn this out a little, it's about the content of the curriculum but 45 also the delivery of the curriculum, and the curriculum resources and the quality of the curriculum resources that are available for the school s.
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