cover image: TFU - TroPical ForesT UPdaTe - Science and technology: anchoring the drive

TFU - TroPical ForesT UPdaTe - Science and technology: anchoring the drive

24 Apr 2024

to strengthen monitoring, control and The most recent session of the International Tropical Timber Council This includes the prominent participation traceability systems amid a wider effort to also discussed the Organization’s policy and project portfolio and of ITTO officials at events during the 28th improve forest governance in the country. [...] finance for Indigenous Peoples who have shown their ability to manage the ecosystems of the Amazon sustainably; The objective of the event, jointly organized by the Food and from Suneetha Subramanian, a Research Fellow at the and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations University-Institute for the Advanced Study Global Environment Facility, the International Union for of. [...] Forest Initiative and the Green Climate Fund for the ITTO also participated in the session “Promoting Robust execution of joint projects in support of the Declaration of Sustainable Mangrove Ecosystems Governance” at the Commitment of COMIFAC Member States for the Forests Indonesian pavilion and jointly organized by ITTO, the of Central Africa and the Call for Equitable Financing. [...] Speaking during the CSAG segment, Laurent Lourdais from the Franz-Xaver Kraft and Nils Olaf Peterson of The German Timber Delegation of the European Union to Thailand provided an overview Trade Federation presented on the implications of the EUDR for of the EUDR. [...] The project’s area of direct influence was extended7 to the Panamanian section of the Choco Darien Ecoregional Corroborating the system: The author (second from the right) Complex, a region where 42.8% of Panama’s native forests verifying the operation of the STCF.
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