cover image: Assessing Worker and Community Dependence on Thermal Power Plants - A Case Study

Assessing Worker and Community Dependence on Thermal Power Plants - A Case Study

10 Jul 2024

• Contractual workers – including informal • The local community finds employment at the workers9 – and induced livelihoods are dependent plant and remains vulnerable to repurposing: on the TPP and vulnerable to repurposing: TPPs employ a combination of local and migrant Contractual and informal workers engaged in the workers. [...] In the words of a resident describing their • Local contractors, who supply labour and rent relationship with the plant: machinery to the TPP are dependent on the plant but are less vulnerable: Section 3.1 of the report discusses the role of contractors and their relationship with the contracted workers. [...] In the context of a power plant transition or • Local community dependence is varied and also repurposing, depending on the repurposing option and conditional on access to the educational and environmental compliances therein, the environmental healthcare services provided by the plant: Our study impact will be relatively positive in terms of potentially found that the local community does not hav. [...] While encourage workers to enrol in and stick with skill the quantum of workers that need to be retained training, programmes should communicate prior to will be determined by the labour intensity and enrolment the work opportunities and wage returns technology adopted for the repurposing, the workers they can gain following the training. [...] Such existing informal worker skill sets (in comparison to infrastructure may include the extension of healthcare the standards of performance provided by the National services for ailments typical to the region and quality Occupation Standards and Qualification Pack for each job primary and secondary educational services with role), and (iii) a comparison of these skills and the skill scholarship.
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