cover image: PROSPECTUS OF Ph. D. PROGRAMME: 2024-25


26 Jun 2024

PROGRAMME: 2024-25 Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai ▪ BACKGROUND Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) is an advanced research Institute established in 1987 in Mumbai by the Reserve Bank of India for the study of national and global development issues. [...] III Research & Health & Development Four elective courses of 4 Publication Ethics (2) (4) credits each (From list of elective courses Four elective courses Three elective courses offered and advised by the of 4 credits of 4 credits each RAC) (From list of elective (From list of elective courses offered and courses offered and advised by the RAC) advised by the RAC) Total 18 16 16 Sem. [...] IV Directed Studies (4) Three elective courses Three elective courses of 4 of 4 credits each (From credits each (From list of Two elective courses list of elective courses elective courses offered and of 4 credits each offered and advised by advised by the RAC) (From list of elective the RAC) courses offered and advised by the RAC) Total 12 12 12 Total 64 64 64 Credits after 4 semesters List of 1. [...] Payments at the time of Admission On selection prior to admission, a student has to pay first semester tuition fee of ₹25,000; security deposit of ₹20,000/- and a non-refundable premium amount as per actuals towards the Institute’s group medical insurance policy (to be effective from the date the Insurance company issues the policy). [...] The RAC will mentor the student in their choice of core and 6 elective courses based on their research interest and monitor her/his progress and advise on remedial steps to take, to help the student meet IGIDR’s minimum CGPA requirements.



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