cover image: CIGS Working Paper Series No. 24-013E

CIGS Working Paper Series No. 24-013E

2 Jul 2024

We focus our study on the following questions: What is the interplay between the slowdown in low- skill immigration, the reduction in the skill premium and the decision of native workers to invest in education? What are the implications of those changes for macroeconomic performance and welfare? What is the role of these interlinked labor market dynamics for the effectiveness of the 2020 coronavir. [...] The unprecedented decline in the skill premium reverses a four-decade upward trend.4 Interestingly, the decline in the skill premium coincided with a decline in the inflation-adjusted cost of tuition, as shown in Figure 2(C), consistent with the lower return to investing in education over the period. [...] To the best of our knowledge, we are the first paper to: (a) study the empirical link between the fall in low-skill immigration, labor shortages, the unprecedented decline in the skill premium, and the associated impact on training choices of natives; and (b) assess the welfare implications through the lens of a structural model designed to account for this evidence. [...] We mainly focus the discussion on the Home and South economies.17 For Foreign, the equations are the same as those for Home, and the variables are marked with an asterisk.18 The full derivation of the model is in the Appendix.19 17The appendix describes the system of equations that characterize all the equilibrium conditions of the model as well as the auxiliary equations needed to take the model. [...] Therefore, workers at the top of the skill distribution in Foreign may have the same productivity as some of the workers in the middle of the skill distribution in Home.
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