

12 Jul 2024

The subsequent pandemic, the supply chain bottlenecks that followed, as well as the impact of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, have almost entirely upended our traditional understanding of supply chains. [...] 2.1 The outsized role of Taiwan Although the global supply chain is deeply integrated and diverse across nations, over the years, analysts have pointed to the outsized role of Taiwan in the global semiconductor supply chain, namely in the foundry market. [...] In the case of Malaysia, while the country is currently benefiting from the US-China decoupling insofar as its encouraging firms to move shop to Malaysia, there is a question of whether Malaysia and investors here would eventually be forced to choose between the Chinese or American market in the long- run. [...] In one 2021 research paper by the UNCTAD looking at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on international trade in 2020, it was noted that the pandemic resulted in a decline in trade of around 14% for the average country. [...] The semiconductor supply chain however, is of key focus given the initiatives by Malaysia in increasing the value of the supply chain, coupled with the significance of the semiconductor industry to Taiwan and the push for geographical diversification in light of geopolitical tensions.
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