cover image: Ghada Selim TABBAH - PhD in Economics

Ghada Selim TABBAH - PhD in Economics

16 Jul 2024

2006-2009 : Masters in International Economics and Finance, Lebanese University, Faculty of Economics and Business, Ashrafieh- Beirut, Thesis: Innovation and Industrial development - the Taiwanese example and lessons for Lebanon. [...] Degree: Very Good 2002 : Lebanese Baccalaureate in Economics and Sociology Collège des Sœurs des Saints-Cœurs, Zahleh, Lebanon Degree : Rank Six in Lebanon Conferences and workshops • The Role of the World Bank and the IMF_Impact Assessment_CGE Models", Conference held by the Department of Economic Sciences and the Indian Econometric Society, the Aegis of CCE, IIT-Kanpur (2021) - I was invited to. [...] (ongoing) Jury Member, Doctoral School in the Lebanese University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Beirut Lebanon (2021-present) - I serve as a jury member for the doctoral candidates in the field of business and economics, evaluating their research work and providing constructive reports and feedback. [...] UNESCWA (2022), “Leaving women and girls further behind or a potential opportunity for Strengthening Gender Equality? - Lessons from the COVID-19 crisis in the Arab region”, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Beirut Lebanon UNESCWA (2022), “Economic empowerment of women in the Arab region - Guidelines to advance care policies”, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, Beirut. [...] • Lecturer in the Antonine University, Lebanon (2008-2021) Courses: Advanced Macroeconomics, Advanced Microeconomics, Management and Banking Risks, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, International Banking and Finance • Lecturer in the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Lebanon (2009-2018) Courses: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics • Lecturer in the University of Science and Technology, AUST, Be.
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