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Centre for Energy Finance - How can Punjab Increase the Adoption of Crop Residue

28 Jun 2024

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the views and policies of the Council on Energy, Environment and Water. [...] 10 How can Punjab Increase the Adoption of Crop Residue Management Methods? Survey Insights from 11 Districts of the State 1.2 Study objectives In this study, we reflect on the current state of CRM in Punjab, the progress made over the last five years, and the persisting gaps and emerging trends. [...] The survey instrument included questions about farmers’ preferences for different paddy seed varieties, the type of CRM method followed, experiences with the adoption of no-burn CRM methods, awareness of the effects of stubble burning and overall outlook, benefits, and challenges associated with the adoption of different CRM methods (Figure 4). [...] Since the stubble is buried in the soil, the field looks clear in the case of the Super Seeder. [...] 30 How can Punjab Increase the Adoption of Crop Residue Management Methods? Survey Insights from 11 Districts of the State 5.2 Of all the in-situ CRM machines, the Super Seeder rules the paddy fields in Punjab Our survey found that most farmers use the Super Seeder (46.8 per cent) for CRM, followed by the Rotavator (29.3 per cent), Zero-Till-Drill (10 per cent), and Happy Seeder (8.3 per cent) (Fi.
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