cover image: Hemant Krishan Singh Arun Sahgal Lalit Kapur

Hemant Krishan Singh Arun Sahgal Lalit Kapur

15 Jul 2024

DPG is deeply committed to the growth of India’s national power and purpose, the security and prosperity of the people of India and India’s contributions to the global public good. [...] in the languid summer season have been useful barometers of mainstream thinking within the Beltway establishment, from the uncertain disposition of US domestic politics to the faltering exercise of its global power and influence. [...] Beyond the US preoccupation with great power equations, there continues to be marginal realisation that the vast majority of the international community, which comprises the diverse and geopolitically inchoate Global South, lies outside the US-led alliance system and remains open to pursuing close relations with nations pushing back against the West. [...] This is all the more so as the US sees limitations in the support it can effectively leverage from its allies in East Asia, and the general resistance across the Indo-Pacific region to standing up for US goals in Asia. [...] Over the long term, the interests of India and the US will remain broadly aligned around the need to ensure that the overall balance remains in favour of democracy, freedom and a UN Charter-based order.



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