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Economic Development of Punjab, India: Prospects and Policies

18 Jul 2024

The development of the Punjab economy, as driven by the evolution of the GR and its impacts on the wider economy, has resulted in a mixed picture regarding growth of per capita income, reduction of poverty, provision of health care services and development of human capital. [...] Some of the problems in the state’s public finances arose from the costs imposed by the 1980s turmoil, and the associated deterioration of many of the state’s organizations and institutions, including for revenue collection. [...] It is evident that agriculture sector is the axis in the economy, strongly impacting growth in other sectors and driving the economy.” While the qualitative statements about transportation and demand would apply to any other part of the economy, the numerical comparison of the linkage effects across sectors is the key claim made, and deserves more investigation. [...] This is similar to the rest of the country, and one of the factors behind this trend is likely the after effects of the early 2000s investment boom, followed by the global financial crisis and an increase in non-performing assets in the banking sector. [...] Even in the PVD, there does not appear to be any analysis of the precise nature of improvements in infrastructure that come under the services sector, which would be needed for industrial development, both by specific industry and by local region.20 A different approach to the question of industrial development, also rooted in the service sector, can be found in the two reports of the Punjab exper.


Praveen Sachdeva

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